In this blog post we will implement and understand a few core components of two stage object detection. Two stage object detection was made popular by the R-CNN family of models - R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN.

All two stage object detectors have a couple of major components:

  • Backbone Network: Base CNN model for feature extraction
  • Region Proposal Network (RPN): Identifying regions in images which have objects, called proposals
  • Region of Interest Pooling and Align: Extracting features from backbone based on RPN proposals
  • Detection Network: Prediction of final bounding boxes and classes based on mult-task loss. Mask R-CNN also predicts masks via an additional head using ROI Align output.


Region of Interest (ROI) Pooling and Alignment connect the two stages of detection by extracting features using RPN proposals and Backbone network. First let’s look at the region proposal network.

Region Proposal Network

The region proposal network takes as input the final convolution layer (or a set of layers in case of UNet kind of architectures). To generate region proposals, a 3x3 convolution is used to generate intermediate output. This intermediate output is then consumed by a classification head and a regression head. The classification head is 1x1 convolution, outputing objectness scores for every anchor per pixel. The regresson head is also a 1x1 convolution that outputs the relative offsets to anchor boxes generated at that pixel.

class RegionProposalNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_size, layer_size, conv_size, num_anchor):

        self.input_size = input_size
        self.layer_size = layer_size
        self.num_anchor = num_anchor
        self.conv_size = conv_size

        self.intermediate = nn.Conv2d(
            self.input_size, self.layer_size, self.conv_size, stride=1, padding=1
        self.classification_head = nn.Conv2d(self.layer_size, self.num_anchor, 1)
        self.reggresion_head = nn.Conv2d(self.layer_size, 4 * self.num_anchor, 1)

        for layer in self.children():
            torch.nn.init.normal_(layer.weight, std=0.01)
            torch.nn.init.constant_(layer.bias, 0)

    def forward(self, feature_map):

        t = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.intermediate(feature_map))
        classification_op = self.classification_head(t)
        regression_op = self.reggresion_head(t)

        classification_op = classification_op.permute(0,2,3,1).flatten()
        regression_op = regression_op.permute(0,2,3,1).reshape(-1,4)

        return classification_op, regression_op

ROI Pooling

Given a feature map and set of proposals, return the pooled feature representation. In Faster RCNN, the Region proposal network is used to predict objectness and regression box differences (w.r.t to anchors). These offsets are combined with the anchors to generate proposals. These proposals are often the size of input image rather than the feature layer. Thus the proposals need to scaled down to the feature map level.

Additionally the proposals can be of different width, height and aspect ratios. These need to be standardized for a downstream CNN layer to extract features.

ROI Pool aims to solve both these problems. ROI pooling extracts a fixed-length feature vector from the feature map.

ROI max pooling works by dividing the hxw RoI window into an HxW grid of approximately size h/H x w/W and then max-pooling the values in each sub-window. Pooling is applied independently to each feature map channel.

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

floattype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor

class TorchROIPool(object):

    def __init__(self, output_size, scaling_factor):
        """ROI max pooling works by dividing the hxw RoI window into an HxW grid of 
           approximately size h/H x w/W and then max-pooling the values in each
           sub-window. Pooling is applied independently to each feature map channel.
        self.output_size = output_size
        self.scaling_factor = scaling_factor

    def _roi_pool(self, features):
        """Given scaled and extracted features, do channel wise pooling
        to return features of fixed size self.output_size, self.output_size

            features (np.Array): scaled and extracted features of shape
            num_channels, proposal_width, proposal_height

        num_channels, h, w = features.shape

        w_stride = w/self.output_size
        h_stride = h/self.output_size

        res = torch.zeros((num_channels, self.output_size, self.output_size))
        res_idx = torch.zeros((num_channels, self.output_size, self.output_size))
        for i in range(self.output_size):
            for j in range(self.output_size):
                # important to round the start and end, and then conver to int
                w_start = int(np.floor(j*w_stride))
                w_end = int(np.ceil((j+1)*w_stride))
                h_start = int(np.floor(i*h_stride))
                h_end = int(np.ceil((i+1)*h_stride))

                # limiting start and end based on feature limits
                w_start = min(max(w_start, 0), w)
                w_end = min(max(w_end, 0), w)
                h_start = min(max(h_start, 0), h)
                h_end = min(max(h_end, 0), h)

                patch = features[:, h_start: h_end, w_start: w_end]
                max_val, max_idx = torch.max(patch.reshape(num_channels, -1), dim=1)
                res[:, i, j] = max_val
                res_idx[:, i, j] = max_idx

        return res, res_idx

    def __call__(self, feature_layer, proposals):
        """Given feature layers and a list of proposals, it returns pooled
        respresentations of the proposals. Proposals are scaled by scaling factor
        before pooling.

            feature_layer (np.Array): Feature layer of size (num_channels, width,
            proposals (list of np.Array): Each element of the list represents a bounding
            box as (w,y,w,h)

            np.Array: Shape len(proposals), channels, self.output_size, self.output_size

        batch_size, num_channels, _, _ = feature_layer.shape

        # first scale proposals based on self.scaling factor 
        scaled_proposals = torch.zeros_like(proposals)

        # the rounding by torch.ceil is important for ROI pool
        scaled_proposals[:, 0] = torch.ceil(proposals[:, 0] * self.scaling_factor)
        scaled_proposals[:, 1] = torch.ceil(proposals[:, 1] * self.scaling_factor)
        scaled_proposals[:, 2] = torch.ceil(proposals[:, 2] * self.scaling_factor)
        scaled_proposals[:, 3] = torch.ceil(proposals[:, 3] * self.scaling_factor)

        res = torch.zeros((len(proposals), num_channels, self.output_size,
        res_idx = torch.zeros((len(proposals), num_channels, self.output_size,
        for idx in range(len(proposals)):
            proposal = scaled_proposals[idx]
            # adding 1 to include the end indices from proposal
            extracted_feat = feature_layer[0, :, proposal[1].to(dtype=torch.int8):proposal[3].to(dtype=torch.int8)+1, proposal[0].to(dtype=torch.int8):proposal[2].to(dtype=torch.int8)+1]
            res[idx], res_idx[idx] = self._roi_pool(extracted_feat)

        return res

ROI Align

As your see from the implementation of ROIPool, we do a lot of quantization (i.e ceil, floor) operations to map the generated proposal to exact x,y indexes (as indexes cannot be floating point). These quanitizations introduce mis-alignments b/w the ROI and and extracted features. This may not impact detection/classification which is robust to small pertubations but has a large negative effect on predicting pixel-accurate masks. To address this ROI Align was proposed which removes any quantization operations. Instead bi-linear interpolation is used to compute the exact values for every proposal.

Similar to ROIPool, the proposal is divided into pre-fixed number of smaller regions. Within each smaller regions, 4 points are sampled. The feature value for each sampled point is computed with bi-linear interpolation. Max or average operation is carried out to get final output.

Bi-Linear Interpolation

Bi-linear interpolation is a common operation in computer vision (esp. while resizing images). Bi-linear interpolation works by doing two linear interpolations in x and y dimension in sequence (order of x and y does not matter). That is, we first interpolate in x-axis and then in y-axis. Wikipedia provides a nice review of this concept.

def bilinear_interpolate(img, x, y):
    """Return bilinear interpolation of 4 nearest pts w.r.t to x,y from img
    Taken from

        img (torch.Tensor): Tensor of size wxh. Usually one channel of feature layer
        x (torch.Tensor): Float dtype, x axis location for sampling
        y (torch.Tensor): Float dtype, y axis location for sampling

        torch.Tensor: interpolated value

    x0 = torch.floor(x).type(torch.cuda.LongTensor)
    x1 = x0 + 1

    y0 = torch.floor(y).type(torch.cuda.LongTensor)
    y1 = y0 + 1

    x0 = torch.clamp(x0, 0, img.shape[1]-1)
    x1 = torch.clamp(x1, 0, img.shape[1]-1)
    y0 = torch.clamp(y0, 0, img.shape[0]-1)
    y1 = torch.clamp(y1, 0, img.shape[0]-1)

    Ia = img[y0, x0]
    Ib = img[y1, x0]
    Ic = img[y0, x1]
    Id = img[y1, x1]

    norm_const = 1/((x1.type(floattype) - x0.type(floattype))*(y1.type(floattype) - y0.type(floattype)))

    wa = (x1.type(floattype) - x) * (y1.type(floattype) - y) * norm_const
    wb = (x1.type(floattype) - x) * (y-y0.type(floattype)) * norm_const
    wc = (x-x0.type(floattype)) * (y1.type(floattype) - y) * norm_const
    wd = (x-x0.type(floattype)) * (y - y0.type(floattype)) * norm_const

    return torch.t(torch.t(Ia)*wa) + torch.t(torch.t(Ib)*wb) + torch.t(torch.t(Ic)*wc) + torch.t(torch.t(Id)*wd)

Now that we understand how bi-linear interpolation works, let’s implement ROIAlign.

class TorchROIAlign(object):

    def __init__(self, output_size, scaling_factor):
        self.output_size = output_size
        self.scaling_factor = scaling_factor

    def _roi_align(self, features, scaled_proposal):
        """Given feature layers and scaled proposals return bilinear interpolated
        points in feature layer

            features (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape channels x width x height
            scaled_proposal (list of torch.Tensor): Each tensor is a bbox by which we
            will extract features from features Tensor

        _, num_channels, h, w = features.shape

        xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1 = scaled_proposal
        p_width = xp1 - xp0
        p_height = yp1 - yp0

        w_stride = p_width/self.output_size
        h_stride = p_height/self.output_size

        interp_features = torch.zeros((num_channels, self.output_size, self.output_size))

        for i in range(self.output_size):
            for j in range(self.output_size):
                x_bin_strt = i*w_stride + xp0
                y_bin_strt = j*h_stride + yp0

                # generate 4 points for interpolation
                # notice no rounding
                x1 = torch.Tensor([x_bin_strt + 0.25*w_stride])
                x2 = torch.Tensor([x_bin_strt + 0.75*w_stride])
                y1 = torch.Tensor([y_bin_strt + 0.25*h_stride])
                y2 = torch.Tensor([y_bin_strt + 0.75*h_stride])

                for c in range(num_channels):
                    img = features[0, c]
                    v1 = bilinear_interpolate(img, x1, y1)
                    v2 = bilinear_interpolate(img, x1, y2)
                    v3 = bilinear_interpolate(img, x2, y1)
                    v4 = bilinear_interpolate(img, x2, y2)

                    interp_features[c, j, i] = (v1+v2+v3+v4)/4
        return interp_features

    def __call__(self, feature_layer, proposals):
        """Given feature layers and a list of proposals, it returns aligned
        representations of the proposals. Proposals are scaled by scaling factor
        before pooling.

            feature_layer (torch.Tensor): Feature layer of size (num_channels, width,
            proposals (list of torch.Tensor): Each element of the list represents a
            bounding box as (w,y,w,h)

            torch.Tensor: Shape len(proposals), channels, self.output_size,

        _, num_channels, _, _ = feature_layer.shape

        # first scale proposals down by self.scaling factor
        scaled_proposals = torch.zeros_like(proposals)

        # notice no ceil or floor functions
        scaled_proposals[:, 0] = proposals[:, 0] * self.scaling_factor
        scaled_proposals[:, 1] = proposals[:, 1] * self.scaling_factor
        scaled_proposals[:, 2] = proposals[:, 2] * self.scaling_factor
        scaled_proposals[:, 3] = proposals[:, 3] * self.scaling_factor

        res = torch.zeros((len(proposals), num_channels, self.output_size,
        for idx in range(len(scaled_proposals)):
            proposal = scaled_proposals[idx]
            res[idx] = self._roi_align(feature_layer, proposal)

        return res

Testing out implementations

To ensure correctness of our implementations, I wrote some unit tests on simple proposals and also tested out w.r.t reference implementations in pytorch. The code snippet generates random proposals and features, and then compares torchvision outputs with our implementation. I have sucessfully tested out these implementations under various options.

import torch
import numpy as np

from pure_torch_components import TorchROIAlign, TorchROIPool, torch_pred_nms
from torchvision.ops.boxes import nms
from torchvision.ops.roi_pool import RoIPool
from torchvision.ops.roi_align import RoIAlign

device = torch.device('cuda')

# create feature layer, proposals and targets
num_proposals = 10
feat_layer = torch.randn(1, 64, 32, 32)

proposals = torch.zeros((num_proposals, 4))
proposals[:, 0] = torch.randint(0, 16, (num_proposals,))
proposals[:, 1] = torch.randint(0, 16, (num_proposals,))
proposals[:, 2] = torch.randint(16, 32, (num_proposals,))
proposals[:, 3] = torch.randint(16, 32, (num_proposals,))

my_roi_pool_obj = TorchROIPool(3, 2**-1)
roi_pool1 = my_roi_pool_obj(feat_layer, proposals)

roi_pool_obj = RoIPool(3, 2**-1)
roi_pool2 = roi_pool_obj(feat_layer, [proposals])

np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(roi_pool1.reshape(-1,1), roi_pool2.reshape(-1,1))

my_roi_align_obj = TorchROIAlign(7, 2**-1)
roi_align1 = my_roi_align_obj(feat_layer, proposals)
roi_align1 = roi_align1.cpu().numpy()

roi_align_obj = RoIAlign(7, 2**-1, sampling_ratio=2, aligned=False)
roi_align2 = roi_align_obj(feat_layer, [proposals])
roi_align2 = roi_align2.cpu().numpy()

np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(roi_align1.reshape(-1,1), roi_align2.reshape(-1,1))


In this post, we implemented a few components of modern object detection models and tested them out. Going through the work of implementing these components helps me better understand the reasoning behind their development. Of course, one would always rely on cuda implementation in actual research work. A logical next step would be to implement the remaining components of two stage object detection and test it out.